
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Holidays 2009: Part 2

Christmas Day Excitement!
Hi friends! I thought I would show you, in pictures, how Paige's first Christmas Day looked. Just a few pictures; we spent several days with Chris' parents and family in Connecticut. We went to Christmas Eve Mass (Paige in the red dress) the day before where she did great...she decided to get very chatty during the Communion. MaMaMaMuuuummmmmmm! She got pretty loud. But the place was so crowded and we were amongst a huge group of people standing in the back so she blended in. :) Paige enjoyed her Christmas Day and loved all her special gifts from her family and from Santa Claus. Santa brought her a knit giraffe hand puppet, some knit finger puppets, and a knit bird rattle. Those elves are so crafty. There was a particular talking doll that her Auntie and Uncle gave her...she is wild about it. It sings about different body parts and also sings songs when you press different parts of the body. You can see her tackling it in a photo below. (that was taken here at home once we got back). Amongst many toys and books, her Grandma and Rico gave her a wooden sleigh for us to pull her in the snow along the hiking path behind our house. We're so excited! Now we can enjoy the winter weather with a fun activity. Warm wishes!

Me and Wee before Christmas Mass
Before Christmas Mass
Paige in her Xmas Dress
Bla Bla Rattle
Doll love
Christmas Morning

Monday, December 28, 2009

8 Months

8 Months

Dear Little P.,

You are 8 whole months today! You've spent much of the day so far crawling around and checking out your new toys you got for Christmas. I've been watching you move all around the house crawling on your belly here and there. I've also been watching as you pull down your basket of toys to choose one for yourself, as well as pulling over your bag of crinkly papers to choose something to play with. It's fun watching you be independent and I love seeing your proud face when you accomplish something for yourself. I'm proud of you too.
I will always be proud of you.

You've found your voice this past month. When we put up our Christmas Tree you were so thrilled! You started saying "OWWW--owowowowowowow!!!!" and then you added a "B" to it…Bow, Bow, Bow Bow Wow Wow Wooooow!! And then all of a sudden you said "Muuuummmmmmaa, Mum, Mummmmm, Mummmmm!!!" I know you don't know what that means, but it warmed my heart to 1. Hear your little sweet voice sounding things out, and 2. That it sounded like you were saying Mama. It was so wonderful and I babbled back to you as we had our own special conversation.
I will always listen to you.

This morning I gave you a piece of toast to chomp on…your first big hunk of solid food as usually you eat soft baby food. You had fun chewing and gumming on it; again looking so excited to eat your toast like Mama. Your eyes have never looked so bright or shiny! Your smile was big and wide. I'm so looking forward to seeing you learn more things for yourself.
I'm always here for you.

Last week I was putting you down for a nap and I wanted to snuggle a little. I lifted you up high and I put my head low so my ear was against your heart. I just kept you like that so I could hear the soft ga-thump, ga-thump, ga-thump of it. I could feel your warm soft breath in my hair and I thought about how special that little heart is. How it keeps you alive and keeps you warm. Such a miracle! I'm so lucky for it. You gave my hair lots of shall we say robust pulls right then and so I had to get up, but I hid my face and my happy tears away from you.
I'm so grateful for you.

Soon it will be a new year and so much is going to happen! You have a lot of exciting things in store and I can't wait to share them all with you. There's lots of learning and fun ahead. It won't always be easy and you won't always be happy, but I will do my very best to be patient, loving, fair, and kind. You will be great!

I will be there to hold your hand.

I will always love you.

Love Always and Forever,

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays 2009: Part 1

Wishing you the best this season!!!
Happy Holidays

Hi friends!

Here is a little photo display of Paige's pre-Christmas celebration with her Nana and Grampa in Maine...her first Christmas experience! We all had a great time and Paige seemed to be thrilled with the day.


Christmas in Maine 2009

Nana and Grampa Xmas

Paige loved these Discovery Blocks from Haba that my parents gave her...
Discovery Blocks!

Paige also loved her new blocks my parents gave her! We're putting them away until she's a little bit bigger. We let her play with them for a while and she loved them! But she particularly liked throwing them for now. :)
Big Gift

This Lamaze brand Octopus that my brother gave her was a huge hit. He's a music teacher, so it was very appropriate as each tentacle sounds out a note from the scale when you squeeze it! Paige has been enthralled with this and has a new obsession.
Musical Octopus

And that is the gist of Paige's first Christmas with my side of the family! Thanks Nana and Grampa and Uncle Jason for making it so special! I'll be back soon to tell of Paige's very first Christmas Day!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Getting, Giving, Spoiling, Toiling

Hi friends!
We are getting ready to celebrate the Christmas holiday with my parents this coming weekend; we're very excited! Before I started shopping for Paige I said to myself:
"OK, self! Paige isn't going to give a crap about what you get her this year, so just mark the day with a few treats you know she'll like and call it a day. And don't forget to add to her savings account. Mmmm that cookie looks delicious, *droooooool*...."
Well, that all flew right out the window (except for the cookie, which flew directly into my mouth) as once I bought one thing, I just HAD to get another little thing, and OH wouldn't THIS be cute too!? Now she has more than I'd planned on. And this doesn't even count what Santa plans to bring her...or Nana & Grampa...or Grandma & Rico...or her Aunties and Uncles. Why is it so hard to put the brakes on the extra gifting? I was talking to my friend about this and she informed me: It's because it's fun. It's fun to buy for little children because the toys are fun, cute, and remind us of our childhoods. And it's not a long window where you can buy those fun things. She told me: Everyone else like to buy them too, so you'll get a lot more things than you'd planned on having. One part of me says "Oh no! I don't want Paige to be spoiled or expect a lot of things or believe that Christmas is about GETTING and not GIVING." That's the bigger part of me. The smaller part of me says "Oh well, she's a child, let her enjoy the gifts she is given and don't make a big deal about it all... and make sure she sends her thank-you notes." I speak in generalizations here; as if she were five and not 7 months old. In the future I'll want to strike a good balance. So, in going forward, I will be sure to buy her less but good quality, make sure we do community service throughout the year to teach her about GIVING and APPRECIATING, to donate her older toys she no longer plays with at least once per year, to buy new clothes and toys for a child in a less-fortunate situation via a local charity, and of course to always write thank you notes. As for this year...she's just a baby and hasn't a clue. So the REST of us will enjoy reliving our childhoods and will oooh and aahhhh over her new goodies in her place. I can't wait for "her" to open them! Let's face it, the magic and wonder isn't ONLY for the kids!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tree and Wee 2009

Christmas Tree 2009

This weekend we put up our Christmas tree. As a married couple, we've never had a tree. Each year we ponder it over and decide it isn't worth the hassle. That, and we are always traveling here and there during the week before and the week of Christmas. Sure, we'd put out a candle (maybe) and perhaps a wreath. But I just never really got into the spirit of things (in terms of decorating) to make an effort. This year was much the same way...again, we wouldn't be around much come Christmas day. But, late in the game, I started to get this feeling inside...this voice saying that this was the year to begin. That if I want to teach Paige the importance of this holiday, then we need to begin now. It started with putting out a few decorations I'd had stored away...sequined wreaths and a candle. Then I ordered a kiddie nativity set. Before you know it, we decided to get a tree and break out all the decor and ornaments we had. This is Paige's first Christmas and I want to show how festive it is. I'm so glad we did!
Saturday, in the late afternoon, we broke out the Egg Nog and hot chocolate and set to work. Paige helped put the very first ornament on the tree...her first one which is a picture of her and the phrase "First Christmas, Paige 2009." It brought tears to my eyes to be honest...I still can't believe she is here with us and celebrating such a special holiday. In our household, we celebrate Christianity. Chris is Catholic and I am non-denominational Christian. Christmas time is a wonderful chance for us to celebrate the birth of our Savior and celebrate His special day and I look forward to teaching Paige all about it. We also look forward to teaching her about all different religions and to have an understanding and appreciation and respect for all of them.
Anyway, Paige truly enjoys the tree and inspecting the shiny ornaments and twinkling lights. There's a magic in her eyes as she takes it all in. It's like she knows that we are celebrating the One who blessed us with her. I give thanks every day, but just this one time a year we get to really go all out to show it. I'm so happy we did.

Here is Paige putting on her first ornament (well, she helped anyway)
The First Ornament
Paige's first ornament

Here, Paige is enjoying the ornaments as I point them out
Enjoying the Tree

Here is Maren and Chris...she wanted to get in on the fun too
Maren enjoys the tree

Here, I am singing Silent Night to Paige as she was about to go to bed. Chris caught it with the camera.
Tree and Wee

And here's our Elf, Little P, enjoying the lights before bedtime
Tree Elf

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I always wondered how Maren would react to Paige when she came along (and vice-versa). As you can see, I never had to worry. Now, if only I can keep Paige from playing with Maren's toys... (and if I can keep Maren from constantly BRINGING Paige her toys).
Maren and Paige
mixed toys
Winter romper

Monday, December 7, 2009

Contact info

Hi there!
I've been pretty hesitant to include a contact email with this blog; but I've decided to take the plunge. I've included it at the top of the right sidebar for your convenience. If you'd like to contact us personally, feel free to send an email to:
I will do my best to respond in a speedy fashion!
And I now have clean laundry to dispense; so off I go!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Paper fun

That Face
Hey there!
We added another fun activity to our day: playing in paper! I have taken all the tissue paper hanging around from gifts, etc. and have crinkled it up loosely and put it on the floor in a pile for Paige to play in. I've yet to take a photo of it.
I've also found interesting bags made of different kinds of crinkly-sounding plastics...I cut them up into pieces (so they aren't bags anymore) and added them to the pile. She loves to crawl/slither through it and feel the different sensations in her hands. She sits in the pile and just looks all around. Much like playing in the fall leaves! And when she's done, I just gather them all up and store them in a bag. Save your papers from holiday time; it will be all the more fun for the little ones to rip and crinkle with well after the season. And, as always, I doubt it is ever safe to leave a child unattended with these materials, so be sure to keep your watchful eye on alert!