
Friday, November 30, 2012

My amazing son (and husband)

The past several nights have been rough. Noah hasn't been sleeping well, therefore, we aren't either. Last night took the cake and he was up crying most of the night. We never could find the reason, but I remember Paige having nights like this. I assume it's a belly ache or teething pain. This morning, I was going about my business (sluggishly and mumbling under my breath!) when the doorbell rang. After Maren the Wonder Dog had crazy fits of nutty, I saw an old man at the door with a huge bouquet of flowers.

I got a flower delivery from my 10month old for keeping me up all night!

And here's the note with them:
I have the best 10 month old...and husband

I have the best son! You are forgiven Noah! (And I have the best husband; I'm so, so, so lucky.) Chris has promised that I can have the whole night to sleep uninterrupted tonight now that it's the weekend. Score!  It's so right!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Hi friends!
We've been away for the holiday and then we've been sick! Well, I have anyway. Add in a lack of sleep thanks to SOMEONE wanting to get up all hours of the night to "eat." His name rhymes with Shmoa. Also, poor Little P slipped on the kitchen floor the other day and hit her eyebrow bone on the kitchen island. She is now sporting 3 stitches, a bruised eye, and a bandage. She just picked out some new Disney "Cars" band aids so she's quite excited about the whole deal. Here she is:

It was so scary, but she's ok (Thank God!) and so am I. After my initial freak-out of course!

We had a great Thanksgiving. *Burp*
I'm so thankful for our family. Everyone plays such a special role and boy, are we lucky. 
Here's a couple favorite Thanksgiving pictures from our wonderful time: (when did Paige start looking so grown up?) P.S. I'll be back soon, I've got a lot going on in my head to share here in my journal. Maybe you'll be able to relate to me?





Friday, November 16, 2012

10 Months

10 months

Dear Little N,

10 Months! Ok. STOP GROWING! Orrrr, not. sigh. I want you to grow, flourish and become all you are meant to be. But I love having you as my little butterball. So plump and juicy! I know, I aren't a turkey. But, I know why they say "BABY! THE OTHER, OTHER WHITE MEAT!"
Say Aahhhh

You're just so lovable and I want to bite your sweet cheeks and other pudgy parts.
This month wasn't so different from last month, except now you are finally pulling yourself up to kneeling and sometimes standing! Nothing seems to be off limits anymore; it seems that whatever I put out of your reach you find a way to grab.
I got a photo of your first time pulling yourself up to stand!
10 months


You've almost outgrown your Jumperoo (nooooooo!) and your army crawl is more fast and furious than ever. You made it across the kitchen in record time the other day and already had some dog food in your mouth before I could get to you! You're already giving me a run for my money!
Your sister is finally starting to come try and play with you much more often (as opposed to ignoring you much of the time). She shares toys with you and even says you are "soooo cute." You babble to her and she babbles back as if you have your own private language. I can tell you're going to be great buddies when you're older. It's a new dimension of joy in the house; I love it!
Noah, having you home with me during the day has been such a joy. Being your Mom is my greatest pride and accomplishment. I know I'm not perfect, but I need you to know that I wake up each day intent on doing my best to care for you and give you all you deserve. You kids are my heart; your smiles are my greatest reward.
10 months
Keep smiling my beautiful boy! Your gentle and sweet nature is going to bring you many wonderful blessings. I'm so excited to be here in the front row watching them unfold!
I love you always and forever more,


Thursday, November 8, 2012

A snowball in the hand...

I looked outside and saw we got the snow that had been predicted. Ugh. *grumble*  I heard Paige chattering away in her room so I went on in. When she noticed it had snowed she about passed out with excitement. "IT SNOWWWWWWED!" she yelled. She did a little dance and said: "Let's go play in it! We can play in it! Riiiiight? Right! Yeah, we can do all kinds of things in the snow. Let's go Mommy!" She ran away and down the stairs. I grabbed a now awake Noah from his crib and down we went. I managed to explain she had to have breakfast first before we do anything and she wolfed down her oatmeal like it was nothing. I didn't want to go outside at all. AT ALL. I hate the cold (and I grew up in Maine!). I tried to think up a worthy excuse as to why we couldn't. (Too early, we had to get ready for school, Noah was too little to go, etc.) 
But she looked so darn excited, I just couldn't break her little heart. I knew they wouldn't be playing outside at preschool later, and I also knew that rain was on the way.
Time to seize the moment!
I looked down and she was pulling on her boots (over her jammies). Hold on, I told her. 20 minutes and a fresh outfit for her later, I was getting her decked out in her winter gear (annoying!) and then had to get Noah into  HIS winter gear.(more annoying!) And then I had to get into MY winter gear. (I hadn't even eaten breakfast yet, but we were on a MISSION people!) After the fresh hell of getting everyone into the gear (hats, mittens, snowpants, coats, boots, etc. etc.) I popped Noah in his carseat/bucket seat and also covered him in a blanket. Paige ran outside and said "We're HERE!!! It SNOWED!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" She ran all around and threw herself onto the ground with abandon to make her first snow angel of the season. She proceeded to make at least 10 of them all over the place. She instructed me to start the snowman and to "let her know if I needed her help" (Ha!). After all that, we went around to the front of the house to wait for her preschool bus (I'd luckily managed to sneak in making her lunch and getting her bag ready). We then went sledding down the driveway (no worries, we aren't on a real road) several times. More snow angels, snowballs, and eating of snow....and then the bus came.
Paige was smiling and began excitedly telling the driver about all the exciting things she'd just done. Paige was breathless and shaking with excitement while her gorgeous eyes twinkled.

I'm so glad I said yes.

I said yes to sledding,snowman, and snow angels all before school. Phew!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Simple Joy

With all the political drama going on around us, it makes me stop and wonder. Do we need to put the burden of change only on our politicians?
I am asking myself: Am I doing enough to help others? Can I contribute to good things in my own community? How can my family and children help make a difference? What am I passionate about? What really matters?

Shouldn't we all ask ourselves these questions and try to answer them? We need to be responsible in our own lives and in our own communities. It's on all of us to show up.

That being said, I'm remembering the simple things in life and what matters most to me. More to come!

make gifs
make gifs

Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012

Me and Wee Halloween Trick or Treating was postponed until last night in our town; due to Hurricane Sandy. The kids (Paige) was crazy-excited. She'd decided to be a Peacock long ago. I decided Noah needed to be Yoda because the costume was beyond cute. I was proud how she wasn't afraid to go right up to each door and yell "Trick or Treat!" in her best voice. She even said "thank you" after each treat. Score! And I'm not the least bit worried about what to do with all the candy. We're going to eat every last bit of it. Boo-yaaaah! Here's a slew of photos; you can tell what's happening in them so I'll spare you the play-by-play! See you here soon! Me and Wee Halloween Me and Wee Halloween Me and Wee Halloween Me and Wee Halloween Me and Wee Halloween  Me and Wee Halloween Me and Wee Halloween Me and Wee Halloween