
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New Work

 I finally got around to posting 2 of my latest works: a fun anniversary greeting card and a New England-y landscape painting. I did both paintings using gouache.
Both are available in my shop! I hope you like them as much as I enjoyed making them.
The landscape painting is of an antique house that was down the street from us where we used to live.
 It had a huge row of lilac bushes in front of it that were quite spectacular in the spring. I saw this view when I would walk by on my way to the post office.

I'm now entrenched in a new nursery-decor painting that is filled with detail and I'm so excited with how it's coming out so far. Hopefully I can show it soon!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


These two kiddos are getting along lately! They also fight more too. Ah, siblings.


Isn't it funny how Paige's headband falls around her forehead? She looks like 80's Jane Fonda.
She claims she "likes it this way." But her head is just too small. hee!!!

Finally setting up the studio space! #studio #artspace

I am starting to move into my studio space in my house and it's coming along nicely. I have loads more boxes and books to unpack but I've put my painting desk in working order. Now, I'm finding time to paint by putting Noah in daycare 2 days per week. I have a few projects I'm working on and researching right now.

Working on a gift for a kind neighbor. #petportrait #dog #painting #meandwee #gouache

I just created this little gouache (pronouced "Gwash") painting of my neighbors' dog as a gift because they have been kind. Plus, this is the dog I called animal control on when it wouldn't leave my porch (when we first moved in). Oops! Turns out he is a little lovey and they don't have a leash-law here. He was friends with the former owners so I bet he was just looking for a treat! I'm learning all about country life here! The people are extra friendly and so are the animals!

I'm going to add other details to the painting, including his name. I really enjoyed making this; perhaps I will do some more pet portraits?

Friday, October 18, 2013

21 months old


Dear Little N.,

You turned 21 months old the other day! Just like every other day I cannot stop wanting to squeeze your chubby little bear-cub body. I never tire of you holding my hand (squeezing my finger oh so tightly) or the way you bring me the toys you want to play with.



This month you have been discovering that you have your own opinions about things and now you make it known. Yes, you've started having tantrums. You don't like or want to share. You only like to do things YOU want to do and the way YOU want to do them. You prefer to live on your OWN schedule. I'm so sorry my sweet; but life just doesn't work that way. I'm sorry it makes you cry and stick your lip out. I'm sorry that you feel you have to yell about it and stomp your little feet. You'll get used to things pretty soon; but you sure are trying your Mama's patience!





Despite your newfound independent streak you are still my little fella and I love you no matter what. You are a ray of sunshine and each smile brings me relief, hope, and love. Keep smiling, ok?





You are a whirling force of curiosity, wonder, helpfulness, and affection. You are wonderful and I love you to infinity for always.
Love always,





Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Leaf Peeping in Pepperell, Ma

foliage nearby

After we dropped Paige off at preschool Noah and I took a drive around our new neighborhood and took photographs of the changing leaves. Well, I did. Noah zonked out in his carseat (too early of course!). I find the landscape to be so soothing here. So much detail and lovely places to explore! New England foliage can't be beat! Pepperell is filled with some of the best scenery I've found in one place. Here are some of my favorites, but you can see the whole set here.

foliage nearby

foliage nearby

foliage nearby

foliage nearby

foliage nearby

foliage nearby

foliage nearby

foliage nearby