
Friday, January 10, 2014

Noah 22 and 23 months

Dear Noah,
In a few days you are turning 2. TWO! My little cuddly, squishy bear.

Sometime in the last two months you began to talk (little barely discernible words and phrases) and started to really discover your own little way in the world. You have started running around the house, making whirling messes and mainly keep me on my toes every waking minute. You are fun, funny, sweet, happy, silly, impish, and smart. You are also stubborn, loud, insistent, and steadfast. ha!

On of my favorite times is when you actually cuddle into me to fall asleep for nap time (a rare thing!). It's so peaceful and I love to feel the weight of you against me. I listen to your slow even breathing and smell your apple-scented hair. It's one of the few moments in the day where we are quietly together and you give in. Another favorite of mine is when I'm singing a song you like and you try to join in; singing the last word of every phrase (or at least mimicking the sound of that word). You like the ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (same tune), Wheels on the Bus, and Paige's made-up Bubble song (Bubbles Bubbles fun to share, Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere!). Also, nothing beats making you laugh. You have the best laugh. I think everyone around agrees. You like to be chased, tickled, tackled and squeezed. Not a bad gig!

Time with you is so wonderful; everything is so new and exciting for you that it's fun to watch and be a part of. Let me be selfish in saying that you really love hanging out with your Mom. And I'm making sure to soak it in while I can!! Just be easy on me, ok?

I wish I could make time stand still so that you never have to turn 2 and keep growing up and away. But I have faith in you and your love and your need for me. I have faith in my love for you and the joy of watching you thrive. I remember you every moment of every day. One day when you are a big strong man I hope you will remember me with even a fraction of the love I have for you. Then I can know I did this Mom thing right.