
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rustic, edgy, unique art

The Swimmer art print
This is the 8x10 version

The newest art print I have for sale in my Me & Wee etsy shop is quite sentimental to me. I took quite a long time to plan the composition and colors for this painting and I'm pleased with how it turned out.

This is a contemporary mixed-media collage blending my personal love for New England, nature, and nostalgia. (It's specifically gouache paint and pencil) I love studying family history and I often wonder what my own family members were like back in the days gone by. This particular piece is based upon a family "camp" my great-grandfather built at Togus Pond in Augusta, Maine. Generations have gone there to enjoy the cool waters and fun times with their families. The girl in the picture is what I imagine my grandmother to have looked like at age 15 in 1932 at the place I learned to swim as a child and enjoyed many happy times. What was she thinking about? What did she most enjoy? What were her dreams? What was she like as a friend?
My family and I were at this location when she passed away; I was five years old. Perhaps the image is my way of paying tribute to a woman I didn't get to know well way of inserting myself into her history. It's a curiosity I can't help but explore in my artwork these days.

All that aside, this is a piece of art that just looks darn cool filling a little blank nook in your family room, office, kitchen, hallway, or in a child's nursery making a rustic-chic statement.

The Swimmer art print
This is the 5x7 version

You may inquire about an 11x14 version at megan (at)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

New Artwork on Me & Wee

I have a pile of new goodies for sale in my shop. I'm on a roll, people! (*fist pump*)

Owl decor...I love this for the rustic-chic look. Great for an owl/woodland nursery theme too!
Deer decor...good for that same rustic-chic look. And another winner for a woodland/forest themed nursery!
My brother said this to his girlfriend on Facebook on her birthday once. I then asked to make a painting for her using the phrase and got permission from him to use it in my shop.
Floral Wreath Painting
This was my attempt at a Valentine's Day card that a man might want to get. Right?
Valentines Card

If you're so inclined, you can find me in all these places. Let's hang out!
INSTAGRAM: @meandwee
TWITTER: @meandwee

Artwork copyright Megan Cassidy Carty of Me & Wee, 2014.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Noah turned 2

Dear Little N.,

On January 14th you turned 2! I tried to hide from it; but you can't fight time, can you? After a weekend celebrating with family, we celebrated your actual special day with just us...your Mom, Dad, sister Paige and little Maren the Wonder Dog.

You sure figured out the whole "present-opening" thing! You went from one thing to the next yelling "Open pwease!" Once you opened each gift you would desperately want us to take the item out of its packaging. Let's just say Daddy was pretty tired after all was said and done.

Your sister even got involved; helping you when she could and playing with your new toys much to your chagrin.

 I must admit, they ARE cool toys. Even I got to play with most of them. Your favorites seemed to be the Eeboo stacking block tower set and the Black and Decker workbench/tool set.

After you opened your gifts we enjoyed some birthday cupcakes where you had a good time blowing out your own candles.

It was such a precious day. My heart was swelled so full of love for you as I watched you scuttle around to all your new toys and shriek with excitement. I can't believe you are already two.
Little man, you are my sidekick, my buddy, my pal, and my little sweetie-pie. I'll never tire of your cuddles and hugs. Even if I get exsasperated every time you yell "Mummy!" 100 times in a quick row I will never tire of hearing it. I appreciate you. I love you. I think you are the cat's meow.
Love Always,

P.S. Speaking of "the cat's meow," whenever we ask you the sound any animal makes you say "Me-ooooowww?"  and then you laugh hysterically. Such a sense of humor you have. sigh