
Monday, September 29, 2014

Pregnancy Nesting

Chalkboard Accent Wall
One day I woke up and got the bug to make a change in the kitchen. So, I went out and got chalkboard paint and made an accent wall! (Probably much to Chris' chagrin). (He is still dealing with fixing some of my, ummmm, mistakes and trim smears). I tried though!!! I got all the cool vintage-y decorative items on the wall from Becky at Box 121 Antiques nearby in Groton, MA. As you can see, I added some chalk birdies and some chalk plants coming out of the glass mason jar.

Chalkboard Accent Wall

Kitchen Storage for stuff

And, we got a little refurbished dresser from Becky as well! I put it under our photo collage in the kitchen and it holds all our countertop clutter (i.e. catalogs, school papers, coupons, kids' drawings, markers, doo-dads and whatnots). I was so sick of looking at piles everywhere and am so glad to have a place to stash things I want to keep for a bit.

So those are some recent little changes that have helped make the space our own! :)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Corners of my home

I realize that we've lived here in this "new to us" house  for just over a year now and I haven't shared any of the rooms! They are quite lived in and seem impossible to keep clean these days (2 kids and a dog equals Clutter McClutter). On a day that the rooms happened to look cleaned up (I think we had people coming over!?) I took a couple shots of the spaces. We are currently doing some tweaks in the kitchen, so I'll have more to show on that soon. We are also doing tweaks to the family room. But I'll show you what we have so far.

Paige's Room:
Big Girl Room

Girl's Bedroom

Noah's Room:
Big Boy Room

Big Boy Room

Our Kitchen area

Our family room (part of it!)

And this extra room is going to be fixed up to become the baby's nursery; I am brimming with ideas for his new space! I'll share more when it's set!

Nothing is perfect, but we are slowly making the spaces our own and I'll be sure to share more on that topic soon!!! :)

Friday, September 19, 2014


Paige has been doing great with Kindergarten! She comes home so happy (albeit tired) every day. She's getting the support she needs and is starting to develop a lot more independent behavior. I'm so proud! Noah misses his sister during the day, but I also know he's really enjoying being the center of my attention.
Every morning he wears his backpack out to wait for the bus with Paige and he begs to get on there with her. I'm forever explaining that he has to be five and going to Kindergarten. He always is so bummed. Don't grow too fast Noah! Let's enjoy our time together, ok? These kiddos make my heart burst. I can't believe we have another one coming to join the fun.

Monday, September 8, 2014

First Day of Kindergarten

Dear Little P.,

The past few years have been a whirlwind that led to this day; your first day of kindergarten. It was last week, but I just couldn't bring myself to write to you until today. My soul was too fragile to write on your first days. I know you've been in full-time preschool since you were 3, but this feels so different. So official!

I will admit it, I sobbed for a few nights before your first day. The night before, I curled up in my bed and cried like a baby. I was so excited and happy for you, but sad for myself. I felt your babyhood just *POOF* disappear before my eyes. I was mourning all the things we didn't get to do together because you were always in school. We missed so much bonding time between Mama and baby. I still cry when I think about it. I don't regret anything, though, because having you in school has been a huge boost to your social and emotional skills you needed the extra help with. I had to trade my wishes and dreams of what mothering you would look like for what was best for YOU and your life ahead. I'd do anything and trade anything if it means the best for you. I love you so very much.

You were so thrilled on your first day and couldn't wait for the bus ride. You were so proud wearing your new backpack filled with all the little things you needed for school...lunch, snacks, a rest blanket/towel, your school folder and your special name tag. When the bus arrived you ran right away and up the stairs...and I called "Wait! Wait! I didn't get my hug!" So you stopped and let me give you a quick cuddle. I snapped an even quicker photo and then the doors closed. Off you went! Noah cried for a bit when you left; he missed you but I also think he wanted to ride the bus and go to school too! He was pretty jealous.

When you got home you were pretty tired, but filled with exhilaration with your full and busy day. You didn't share too much about what went on, but I know you will open up with a little time and space. You seem so happy each day so I can only assume you are enjoying your new school experience. I'm so proud of you my sweetie. You have been so strong and brave and filled with joy for all the new things happening in your life. You are so kind, friendly, sweet, silly, creative and soulful. These are traits that make you who you are...the person I love so very much and am so proud to be the Mama of.

I hope you know that I will be here for you every step of the way in your journey through life. These first steps of your own independence are so meaningful and special and I'm so glad I get to share them with you. I miss you every moment you are away but know that I am confident in the person you will go far little lady!!!! And know you are always on my mind and always in my heart no matter what.
Love always,