
Monday, August 31, 2015

First Day of First Grade

Today Paige hopped on the bus and went off to First Grade! She was so excited; but all I could see was my little girl turning into a little lady. I'm so proud of her; she has worked so hard to get to this point and she continues to strive and thrive. I'm a lucky Mom.



Thursday, August 27, 2015

Impressionist Floral Painting!

Updated mantle with my painting! Happy family room! #megancarty

It's done! (sorry for the dark was early morning when I took this with my phone).  I'm definitely doing more of these...I'm a color fanatic and this was SO FUN to make. I could do it with the kids around AND it didn't take forever and a day to do! Perfect for a busy Mom. More to come!!!

On Art, My Life's Purpose, and Motherhood

My friend's son Jack (15 years old!) recently worked with me to create my artist profile explains a bit about why I create and how my purpose has been revealed to me. I hope you like it! Thank you Jack; you captured my personality perfectly! Follow him on Instagram! (@j.vo)...I think he's got a bright future!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

New Abstract Painting in progress!


Oh boy! Mothering 3 small kiddos is exhausting for sure. It takes up most of my time (of course!) so my painting practice hasn't been as often as I'd like. That's the season I'm in! I am taking a little animal portrait break to work on some fun, bright, abstract pieces...perfect for a colorful room focal-point.
Here's the first stage of my newest piece (in my messy studio)...the first layer is always the most boring; but it has to happen! I've gotta let this dry before I can do all the fun stuff on top! Be sure to check back to see the progress here! (You can follow the progress on Instagram by following me @meandwee). Meanwhile I will be cleaning spitup, washing laundry, doing dishes, moderating fights, having dance parties, making all manner of meals and snacks, cleaning messes, reading stories, and all other manner of mothering duties. School's about to start soon!!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

How to "Entertain" your children in summer

Fairy House
Here is Paige (and Maren the wonder-dog) proudly standing by her Fairy House she made after I "forced" her to stay outside and play.

Welcome to August! The time we cling to summer like a desperate ex-love. There is still much fun to be had though, so let’s keep at it! My son (age 3) and daughter (age 6) are learning all about the phrases “Go play!!!!” and “Go Outside!” I’m so done with all the Pinterest tips extolling all the fun activities I can do with my kids. I’m tired of the blogs, books, and television media outlets defining the ways I can “entertain my children all summer long!” Here’s the thing: I’m a MOTHER not a cruise director!  So, while I love to do planned activities during the day for quality time (no, I'm not shunning all activities!)  I also have a 6 month old baby to tend to and tons of junk to do around the house…not to mention working on my paintings and prints. So, I’ve been taking a cue from 1984 (when I was a kid) where I was constantly told to get outside and play. I had fun. Messy muddy fun. And now I tell my kids to do the same. Sure, I had to lock them out of the sliding glass door at first until they got used to having the freedom to make up their own games in the yard. HA! Now, my daughter says “Mom, I LOVE outside! It used to be boring but now it’s fun!” She’s tasted freedom and wants more. Are the kids dirtier now? YES! Are they messier now? YES! But, they are also more tired (Wheee!) and more satisfied. They are happy and content. AND I don’t need to come up with more ways to occupy them so they are learning to use their noggins for themselves. I LOVE summer now and I just may be sad when school starts again at the end of the month. Maybe.