
Friday, November 7, 2008

14 weeks 4 days

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I've actually been feeling ok this queasiness like before.
I'm just crazily tired. To demonstrate this, I went to bed last night promptly at 7:20 in the evening. I've even managed to shock myself with that one! I was going about my business and I started to almost fall asleep while I was eating dinner. I had this urgent need to just "get into bed dammit! and Hurry!" I obliged and after 12 hours of sleeping I am "awake" and ready for a new day. Supposedly. In the meantime, I noticed that I have a little pouch finally! Usually when I wake up my stomach is pretty "flat" and as the day wears on I get all bloated and belly-rific. Yesterday, I woke up and when I glanced in the mirror at my side view (yes, I check each morning...don't judge me!) I noticed a bit of a bulge/pouch taking shape. Only I would notice it, but I swear it is there. I also noticed that the jeans I could button the day before could no longer button (or zip). Scientific proof! I realized the other morning, when I was getting dressed for Bob's funeral, that most of my pants no longer fit. I'd sort of figured I could wear them, but just leave them unzipped and unbuttoned but wear a stretch band across the top that hides that fact. A long shirt to hide it all and voila! But, my plans were foiled when I pulled on each pair of pants to find that my thighs were so squished into them that they looked painted on. They were so tight up there that I was giving off an impression I just didn't want to give! So much for the "just unbutton the pants" theory. I'm sure Bob wouldn't truly care that I looked like a bag lady at his service, but I was starting to panic. In the end, I luckily found one pair of pants that still worked in the thighs and off I went. This little exercise made me realize that while it's fine to wear sweats and pajamas at home during the day, you can't really go into the real world like that. I scurried off to the mall yesterday and found a pair of maternity cordouroy pants that are like heaven to wear. Now, at least I can leave the house and not look like a hobo. I am at the interesting "in-between" stage where I don't look pregnant yet but a lot of my clothes aren't fitting right. Yet I'm too cheap to just buy clothes a size larger that I'll only have for a few weeks. Perhaps if I become a temporary hermit, I can spend the next month in the house wearing only jammies and then emerge as a fully blossomed pregnant woman come December. It's a little "Howard Hughes" but it just might work. I promise I won't pee in any jars.


  1. haha! I am glad your belly is showing! Mine has just started! I want one soo bad, and I think I am going to be one of those small bellied women! haha!

    My pants are the same, but I have been using the belly band, and leaving my pants undone and it is still working, but I think I am going to have to purchase some mat pants soon!

    hope you feel better soon! I finally am! yuppee but I went to bed super ealry last night too, so my energy is only around on some days! haha

  2. Glad to hear you are doing well and getting your rest!

    I know what an accomplishment it is to have that little pouch and to fit into maternity clothes finally - even if it's just a little bit! I started wearing maternity pants (the kind with the thin band, not the full panel pants) right around 15 weeks. I recommend Old Navy if you have one around you that carries the maternity stuff (you can find out online).
