
Friday, February 8, 2013

More Seeing the Everyday

Seeing the Everyday, a magazine on the prosaic from seeing the everyday on Vimeo.

This topic is the stuff I'm so passionate about lately. I subscribed to this magazine and can't wait to get it! I love the part in the video about how our daily mundane moments are the glue of our life between all the big things. That glue the stuff that's important. That being said, I've really noticed how when I choose to keep a happy attitude (even when I'm most annoyed), then it really keeps the atmosphere calm and happy. The kids stay happy. All is well. The minute I get snippy or frustrated out loud to the kids, all hell breaks loose. The way we behave in the prosaic moments really make the difference. We can choose to make them fun and silly or choose to be annoyed, frustrated and rushed. hmmmm...


  1. Too true! It's always said that our children are little mirrors of ourselves but its another thing to see it in practice!

  2. So true... I've noticed the same thing... If I am relaxed and do not get nervous, they stay calm and everythings is easier... And the other way round. So I try, but often I have some work to finish or it's time for school or I have to prepare dinner and things take forever, so I get stressed again! Well, let's say what matters is trying!
