Dear Little P.
Today you turn 5. Where did the time go???? It seems like yesterday I was holding your little body in my arms and marveling over your soft breath, little feet and little fingers. I think you can tell I'm a little sad your babyhood is gone because you were trying to act like a baby today and said "It's ok Mee-Mee-Moo! (she calls me that) I'm still the same person I was when I was four! Now I'll just be able to do even MORE things. I'm just growing and that's what people do!" You're right sweetie; I'm proud of you for growing and becoming such a lovely young lady. You are sweet, kind, and fun. You are funny, silly, smart and creative. You are a very talented artist and have a world-class imagination.
I am so thankful to God for the gifts he's given you but MORE thankful to God for giving you to ME. You bless my life in different ways every single day. You make me smile, you make me laugh, you make me think, you make me WORK. :)
Being with you is such a joy and a treat and I'm the luckiest Mee-Mee-Moo around. I love you to the moon and back again to infinity.
Keep on being yourself, be kind, be loving, and be positive. You will go far toward your biggest dreams when you are those things.
I love you always and forever,
Mama (Mee-Mee-Moo)
1 comment :
So, so sweet! I remember the monthly letters to baby P! Wahhh how is time going so fast? Cue the violins ;)
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