Hi friends!
I'm back today with the latest info from my doc and a belly pic. It's much less "torpedo" than yesterday. Big, but not jutting out like a missile. Maybe later after snacks and a nice dinner?
So, I'm not dilated at all. Oh well. But, she mentioned that my cervix is 70% effaced so that's something, right? She said the baby's head is higher up at a -2 station. Not exactly engaged. But it's still early so we shall see what pans out! She told me that due to the 2-vessel cord, they will not allow me to go past my due date (thank you God!) and that if they need to induce, they will do it closer to the due date to make good use of the ripened cervix. Of course, all will change if she finds the head still hasn't engaged later on. (this could be due to many things, like my T-shaped uterus or if the baby is extra big.) But, again, it's a wait-and-see game. I guess my next check will be next Thursday. In the meantime, I take comfort in knowing there is 18 days left until my due date and I will not go past that (and could go earlier!). I can do it! Today's exam was my first cervix check of this pregnancy and holy *&ck did it hurt! I knew it would be uncomfortable but GEEZ! I've also developed a nice case of carpal tunnel syndrome (pregnancy related) in my left hand. I haven't felt anything in my left index or middle fingers for 2 weeks now. I guess it's due to the swelling of fluid in my arm that is pressing the nerves. She assured me it would likely go away about a week or so after giving birth. It's a good thing I don't use my left hand for any sort of detailed handiwork...like disarming bombs or performing heart surgery. It's a good thing I don't work for Jack Bauer...for after a huge explosion I would have to explain "Sorry Jack, it's this darned pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel! It's a real bitch! I hope that building didn't house important documents or hostages you needed..."
So that's the latest update! While I wait to give birth I still have lots of little things going on to keep me busy. I've got a few wedding clients left where I'm wrapping things up...programs, menus, and the like. I've got to pack Little P's bag for the hospital..oh yeah, and my own. I'm sort of procrastinating on that because I figure what do I REALLY need besides a few toiletries, a robe, and a coming home ensemble? The hospital provides most of what is needed.
And when I find I'm out of things to do, I glue liners into the birth announcement envelopes I'll be using. Might as well do what I can while I have the time! Isn't my life riveting? Alrighty folks, I'm off to do more wedding work and perhaps some cleaning. And we wait!
How funny ~ I have pregnancy related carpal tunnel too. I've been wearing a wrist thing for about 2 weeks now. I thought I had broken something at first! It's FINALLY starting to get better ~ so there IS relief!
You look great, am very interested to see what a torpedo belly looks like though. :) Also, just wanted to let you know that I love your little letter pressings (I ordered the giraffe and elephant cards), and I got them both framed with pink matting for the nursery. I'll have to send you a link once tehy're up on the wall. They look fantastic, and I can't wait to be able to see them everyday.
Anyway, you're almost there! Hang in there!
uf...all the waiting...and I still have two MONTHS left! :) If it weren't for the silly house keeping me busy I'm sure I would go insane.
Knowing that your Dr. will not let you go past your due date is such a blessing. There is a for sure end and site and your little one will be here before you know it!
soo lucky they won't let you go past your due date, let me tell you it SUCKS going past your due date. ok enough of the alicia pity party! glad things are looking good! sorry about the carpal tunnel, so annoying!
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