Me and Wee enjoyed a day out apple picking with good friends yesterday! We got enough for me to make a pie (I've never made one from scratch before and this will be my first attempt). We also admired the animals there, stared out at the foliage, and enjoyed the nice weather. There was even a hayride to take us up the hill. Good times!

what kind of carrier is that?
Hi! The carrier is an "Ergo Baby Carrier". They have a website at www.ergobaby.com. We love it; she can be worn in front, on the hip/side, or on the back. She cannot, though, face front while being worn on the front (I guess the doc. who endorses this says that it allows for the baby to turn away from stimulation if they choose). It's very comfortable since the weight of the baby is supported around our hips/waist area instead of the back/shoulders.
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