Dear Little P,
Here we are! We made it! One year. One whole year. One year ago; the best day of my life, you were born. This past year has been a swirling whoosh of newness. I've learned to get used to having no clue what I'm doing. I just follow my heart I guess and so far so good! You are my sun, my moon, my stars, my heart. It is the biggest joy of my life to watch you grow and change and become who you were meant to be. It goes so fast it is hard to keep up. But I'm so lucky you look to me for love, for assurance, for confidence and support during each day. And Daddy feels the same way. He misses you so much during the day and races home every night to give you dinner, play time, snuggle time, bath and bed. Every moment with you is precious and special. I don't know what this next year will bring. But here is what I wish for you, today, on your birthday: Love, Friendship, Happiness, Peace, Confidence, Fun, and more love. Hold my hand and we will jump into the next year together; I won't let you fall. Happy Birthday my love. It may be your special day, but YOU are MY biggest gift.
Many hugs and kisses and love always and forever,

Wow! I can't believe it has been a year since your bundle of happiness was born. I remember finding your blog via a "T-shaped uterus" google and you continue to provide a source of joy and beauty through your story. Thanks for sharing! Happy Birthday to P!
Awww Happy Birthday Little P!
It goes so fast, doesn't it? I remember when my friend sent me the link to your blog last year and said, "Me and Wee had her baby!" Little did I know I would be going into labor that night and have my little man four weeks early at the stroke of midnight that night! It was a crazy, wonderful, magical year. So glad I could share in Paige's first year!
Happy Birthday, Little P! I can't believe a year has gone by so quickly... I remember hearing the great news a year ago and being so happy!
Love the video! What a great way to celebrate little P's first year! Congrads!
Happy bday P!!! Hope it is a special day. Can't wait to see/hear what your mama's got planned for your birthday festivities!!
beautiful ... just beautiful ...
hope it has been a very happy birthday for you all! amazing how your perspective on birthdays has changed now, huh?
Happy birthday little P! What a wonderful magical year you have had. You are a gift. xoxo.
Oh wow!
I came across your blog a few weeks ago when I was looking at nursery inspiration on Flickr! I am expecting my first child and your blog is a real source of inspiration to me. I just had a big cry at your wonderful letter to your baby! Happy birthday to little P! She is just adorable!
It's wonderful isn'it ? It is a VERY special day for the parents, much more than I expected.
Very happy for you!
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