Hello friends! It's Little P here! I wanted to thank you all for your great birthday wishes! I was so flattered by your kind words and feel so special!
I also wanted to thank all my blog friends who sent along photos for my cool new baby photo book. Mom posted a video above that shows me opening it. At first I was puzzled by it and then was excited about the wrapping paper. But fear not, what you don't see is that I ended up playing with the book during the entire time my parents ate lunch. (We went and visited Daddy at work and then went out to lunch at TGI Fridays). Thank you so much for the great photos; it's so fun to look at my friends around the world! I even found comfort in it after I had my 12-month shots yesterday. I love it!
And, below are photos of me opening my birthday gifts...many are for when I'm a little bigger but some I love now. Let me show you...
Here are my gifts before opening them:

These are for me?

Teach My Baby learning kit...I guess Mom wants some one-on-one time with me each day for something she calls learning. I don't blame her, I think I'm fun.

Daddy picked out a few outfits for me from Mini Boden. I like the fun colors.

It will be fun to draw on the driveway this summer. Scribbling is great!

I think my favorite toy is this "hammer" toy by Plan Toys. It has 3 colored balls that you hit through the holes and they roll down the bottom and out the side. I love this and play with it constantly now! I like trying new ways to hammer the balls in the holes.

Daddy showed me how my new Seal push toy works. It's by Plan Toys too. I like making the arms flap!

I love Olivia! She's such a funny pig.

I have some cool new sand toys for my sand table in the yard. There's even a watering can I can use in the water table! I'm going to have a fun summer in our yard!

I like playing with this wheel. Mama says you pour sand in the top and it makes the wheel spin around. I'll believe it when I see it. Mama sounds a little nuts.

I wanted to show you my new table and chairs from Ikea! They are called the "Kritter" table and chairs. I can't wait until I'm big enough to sit in the chairs myself and do crafts and have tea parties here! For now, it's fun to stand at and play with toys on it.

Look at my cutting food! I like grabbing it and carrying it around. When I'm older, I can use the wooden "knife" and cut the pieces apart. The wooden pieces make a nice sound when you clack them together.

My awesome Uncle/Godfather Phil called me to give me good birthday wishes. Isn't that nice?

Mama and Daddy enjoyed some champagne. They have been parents for one year! That's the same age as me! Weird!

Thank you for sharing my birthday with me! I wonder what great things THIS year will bring? Mama says there's a family party for me on Saturday, but I don't know what that means. I guess I'll find out! Let the adventures begin!
She is adorable and the book turned out great! I think I will have to make one for my little guy's birthday!
So cute. What great gifts!! Where did you get the wooden fruits and vegetables?? I've got my own first birthday to plan...
Hi Stephanie!
The wooden food is a Melissa & Doug set. You can get them at lots of toy stores. Our town toy store had a set for sale. :) Good luck with your planning! I'm excited for our party but will be relieved when it is done. hee hee
Yay Charlie made the back cover! What an awesome present! :)
The book turned out great! So fun to see my Chloe's pic and all the other smiling babies. And what great gifts Paige got - I'll have to check out that Teach My Baby kit.
I loved to see the book with Violette's picture :). You can tell her she is French and lives very far from her!
Love the idea, too. Congratulations, it turned out great.
Great to see the book in action, and my hubby and I got so excited when we recognised our boy in there!
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