Boy, my head has been spinning since last summer when we decided to move. I feel like the tornado of activity has finally slowed to a stiff breeze! I've spent a lot of the past several months caring for the kiddos (and many many small illnesses they've had), working on developing my art career, and trying to balance everything I want to do. Truthfully, I haven't done a very great job but I have to give myself kudos for 1. trying my best and 2. caring a lot about everything I do.

My goals for the kids have been to 1. keep them alive 2. help them thrive

It sounds funny to write it out like that; but those are the umbrella goals and so far, so good. I spend a lot of time with them and have been working to pay attention to what they each love to do as well as figure out where they might need extra help in terms of skills or emotional/spiritual development. I then work on a little plan to help them along (without them knowing!) so I feel like I'm mothering with deliberate purpose. I'll have to share more about it here in this space now that I'm "back in the blogging saddle" so to speak.

My goal for my career has been to 1. develop my work and explore my interests and my style
2. Develop a brand so that I have cohesive marketing efforts 3. expand my audience 4. sell more work.
It's slow going with this one, but it IS improving! I've shared my new work here and I think it is all coming together quite nicely. I've also been working on getting myself out there in social media. I love using Instagram (you can follow me! @meandwee) and I find it's a fun and easy way to collect inspiration, fun moments with the family, and share my works in progress. I also joined Twitter (you can follow me! @meandwee) but I'm having a harder time with that one. I'm just so visual that I have a hard time staying engaged with it. I mostly just share my instagram posts there. I think I just need more practice. This newfangled technology these days!!!! LOL!
I've also become pretty active on the Me and Wee facebook fan's a mini blog and it's easy to share my works-in-progress and little tidbits about what I'm doing in real time.
With all that said, I'm working on making new friends and contacts in the online world. It's not easy for someone like me who tends toward shyness...but at least I have my quirky sense of humor on my side!

I've also been working a lot on my branding lately and my brother-in-law's talented wife Denise Carty came by and took business portraits of me and my workspace (she's a wonderful photographer! She does amazing newborn photography...word to the wise if you are anywhere near the South Shore of Boston). I'm thrilled with how the images came out and I plan to show you most of them this week.
My shop sales have improved slightly with the extra efforts I've put in. I'll take it! I hope to one day make a decent income from my art so that I can help support the family in a financial way and even give more abundantly to charities we care about.
So, those are some of the things I've been focusing all of my energy on lately. Have you been working on any major life things? You can share in the comments if you want! I like to hear that I'm not the only one chugging away at something. Does anyone even read this thing anymore? I swear I'm going to be posting with more regularity going forward! I just needed to get through the crapstorm that was moving and getting settled. See you soon!

Of course someone is reading!!! Looking forward to more....
Yes, readers following along! I am interested in hearing about the parenting stuff especially but I love cheering your art on as well :)
hi megan! what are the odds-i happen upon some time to check in on my bookmarked blogs, and you happend to have written a post-way to go on everything you have going on! And,you look great by the way :)
things have been quite hectic on my end as well with a new house, working and caring for a 1.5 yr old...we should get together some time soon to catch up-maybe a play date for the kiddos and grownup time for us? Let me know what you think-message me! hugs, Juliet
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