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25 Weeks
Hello! I'm finally starting to feel better from my cold (it's still here, but I can function now!) so here is my latest belly photo from today's 25 week pregnant mark. Little P seems to move more and more every day...yesterday she seemed to be in a frenzy that lasted most of the day into the evening. It's entertaining to sit and watch the skin of my belly bump out wherever she hits. Like a little frog in there. OR AN ALIEN. But a little frog is cuter. I think anyone who's seen the movie "Spaceballs" remembers the scene at the end when they are in the diner and the guy has some food that doesn't agree with him and out pops this alien from his stomach. The alien then proceeds to do a Rockette-like kick routine down the bar as it sings "hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gaaaaal..." This image enters my mind a few times a day now. Hmm. I know there's no alien in there but still. Anyway, the belly is slowly growing larger and our dog, Maren, likes to lay right across it. She climbs right on top and insists on draping herself over it as if she's keeping an egg warm. A giant egg. She's only 9.5 pounds, so it doesn't cause any strain. It's just interesting how, no matter all the other places she could choose to nap, it HAS to be RIGHT THERE. I wonder if she knows what's going on and she's taking some ownership of Little P as well. As long as she doesn't mind always getting kicked in the face from the baby then it's fine by me.
awe i love your belly! it is so cute! glad you are feeling better! Tissue my cat loves to lie on my belly, but when Twinkle kicks hard it scares him away! haha
well, hello there, gorgeous mama. looking as lovely as always. okay, even more lovely with your mama glow going on. :-)
you look great meg! so glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you are being well taken care of!
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