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27 weeks
Howdy folks! Today marks 27 weeks along. Not much else to say than, "yay!" That, and it's just starting to get really hard to get out of bed in the morning. There's a lot of grunting and struggling as I try to untangle myself from the blankets and the array of pillows I've arranged just so. It's quite the project to get my legs to swing over the side and stand up. Such an invigorating workout to start the day. And forget the couch. I need to pencil time in my schedule to allow for getting out of that damned thing. Maren the wonder-dog likes to go out several times per day, and I'm now finding that I can't quite bend down to get her leash on. Luckily, she's been amenable to jumping onto the kitchen chair to allow me to attach her leash without so much struggle. She can give me that much after destroying several pairs of underwear and shredding tissues all over the house. But that's another issue entirely. This week marks the first of my bi-weekly doctor's visits and I will have my dia-beetus screen as well as an ultrasound to check Little P's growth. She seems ok since she's break-dancing in my stomach as I type this. She's using a 1980s style boom box to set the beat and there's a snazzy sweat-band around her head. They will be surprised to see this during the ultrasound, but I won't be. I'm unsure if there is a disco ball, but my money is on "yes." I'm very curious to know how she is positioned in there. I have no idea which parts of her are tapping at me, but they are usually always in the same place. I'll keep you posted on what we find out...the appt. is on Thursday this week. See you soon! P.S. This weeks' photo comes to you from the mirror in our bathroom just to give you a break from the washing machine usually behind me.
Hey, pretty mama! Looking lovely, as always. Thinking of you. xoxo
ohhh look at you! you look great! i know what you mean about bending over, i have to do it at kinda an angle now! haha so fun!
yay for your appointment! can't wait to see more ultrasound pics :)
Fantastic belly pic!!! Hope you get a chance to use that fantabulous tub in labor!
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