Me and Wee: Lately

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


These two kiddos are getting along lately! They also fight more too. Ah, siblings.


Isn't it funny how Paige's headband falls around her forehead? She looks like 80's Jane Fonda.
She claims she "likes it this way." But her head is just too small. hee!!!

Finally setting up the studio space! #studio #artspace

I am starting to move into my studio space in my house and it's coming along nicely. I have loads more boxes and books to unpack but I've put my painting desk in working order. Now, I'm finding time to paint by putting Noah in daycare 2 days per week. I have a few projects I'm working on and researching right now.

Working on a gift for a kind neighbor. #petportrait #dog #painting #meandwee #gouache

I just created this little gouache (pronouced "Gwash") painting of my neighbors' dog as a gift because they have been kind. Plus, this is the dog I called animal control on when it wouldn't leave my porch (when we first moved in). Oops! Turns out he is a little lovey and they don't have a leash-law here. He was friends with the former owners so I bet he was just looking for a treat! I'm learning all about country life here! The people are extra friendly and so are the animals!

I'm going to add other details to the painting, including his name. I really enjoyed making this; perhaps I will do some more pet portraits?

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