On to the work!
Speaking of babies; here is a card for the baby-just-born:
I tried to make this baby look gender neutral using colors that aren't too specific. I used gouache as the paint, colored pencil and collaged the imagery together. Fun!
Here's an encouragement card for someone going through a rough patch of some kind:
I think it's nice to give these kinds of cards because they are usually a nice surprise and it's always nice to know someone is thinking of you and remembering you during a hard time when you tend to feel most alone. These are the kinds of gestures that can really make a difference for someone else. The sloth is pretty silly; and I thought it brings a lighthearted smile to someone who needs one.
This next piece is a redone version of my Hunter Boots print. I wasn't satisfied with the old one, so I've revisited the concept with my new style and I feel better about it.
This was created using gouache, pencil, and collaged lace.
I redid my popular canary on a camera print in my new style as well (I'm offering both a 5x7 and an 8x10 size). I used gouache, colored pencil and collage for this one as well.
I'm enjoying my time in the studio and figuring out how to best balance being a mother and an artist. Every day is something different but I'm learning many lessons. The morning light is an especially peaceful moment where I look around and see beauty even in my dirty paint water.
Snag the new work in my shop if you want!